Morning, Noon and Night by Sidney Sheldon

Book Description :-
Morning, Noon and Night is a 1995 novel by Sidney Sheldon. "Harry Stanford is one of the richest men in the world but with an enstranged past and business operations. He has a bitter relationship with his family, not letting any of them come any closer to his business and wealth. On a trip around Corsica, Stanford drowns from his yatch feeding the media with top stories. Now the children come back together from their different professions to inherit the wealth. While at home in Rose Wood awaiting a probation shortly after the funeral, suddenly a complete stranger appears and claims to be Stanford's daughter. She is either genuine or an imposter, a proposed D.N.A test fails as Stanford's body is missing........Unsolved mysteries unfold to the Stanford attornies and it seems Stanford's death was not meerly an accident."